Velcor® Leasing Corporation is very concerned about our environment and the future of our planet, as are many of our clients.
It's our ambition to provide eco-friendly fleet leasing products, reduce our carbon footprint and help our clients to do the same by providing resources for you to accomplish your environmental goals and to give back to the planet.
The majority of our documentation provided to our customers is paperless. This includes electronic order processing and documentation, electronic personal use reporting, electronic invoicing and payments and fleet management online reporting. When available, we use environmentally friendly recycled products for printing.
To calculate your vehicle's Carbon Footprint
Access a variety of tools to select alternative fuel vehicles for your fleet, and calculate your fuel savings
Choose the most fuel efficient vehicles for your fleet or personal use
Choose a flex fuel vehicle (FFV) or find out if the vehicle you’re driving now is an FFV
Find in-depth technical information on hybrids and other alternative fuel vehicles
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